Day 6 - Allied Health come to the party
It was a busy one today and I'm only now getting a chance to stop for a break at 9pm. The day was a constant stream of staff visits/reviews, drug discussions & administration, settling, changing, feeding, re-positioning and trying to manage the constant barrage of noise and stimulation that a room of 6 unwell children, their families and medical teams bring.
So in addition to reviews from neurology and neurosurgery we were also seen by Dietitian Claire, Occupational Therapist Jess and Physiotherapist Eve.
The Dietitian has progressed Alex's re-feeding plan however he will remain on IV fluids for at least another day as his potassium continues to be low. We trialled him on some food at lunch and he showed interest and had a go at his sandwich and some chips which was a great start.
The Physio and I got Alex sitting on the edge of his bed and on his feet for about 3 min each.
The OT was looking at ways to get Alex out in his chair with all his leads in tow. In the end we were allowed to be disconnected for a short period to allow for an excusion outside the ward
We struggled with frequent bouts of agitation today and extreme itchiness which may be a reaction to the Morphine. So we still have some things to work out. But tomorrow's another day.
So nice to see Alex out in the sun! Sounds like a busy but progressive day xx