Day 1 - A bit rough

Alex is a trooper. The poor guy has been frequently vomiting since yesterday afternoon. He has been unable to eat. Anti-epileptics, anti-nausea and pain relief drugs generally come back up. He looks miserable but remains pretty calm. We are awaiting review by the neuro team but the current thinking is that it's a result of surgery to the brain and should soon settle. Alex may need to have another general anaesthetic today for CT scan. 

Visit from Dr Silly and associate
Letting the pain meds do their thing
CT done without sedation 🙌


  1. Sending you big hugs Alex and Sarah. XX Julie

  2. Dave's my hubby, I don't have a Google account of my own. Just so you're not worrying about a weird stalker called "Dave" ;-)

  3. We are thinking of you Alex and we miss your smiling face in class 1. We hope you feel better soon. From all your friends in class 1

  4. Hi Sarah/Alex. First view since you went in; not up to scratch on this blogging - so relieved that everything seems to have gone ok - apart from the vomiting. Also can't find photos of all 4 of you. Best of luck and thinking of you.


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